Agilent PL Rapide

PL Rapide GPC Columns from Agilent

The PL Rapide column offers high speed and resolution on high dispersion systems by combining high efficiency PLgel medias with high flowrates. These high flowrates minimize the efficiency loss caused by the higher dead volumes found in older instruments and large flowcell detectors.

Part Number Product Description Price Qty
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  • High speed analysis even with older systems or high dispersion detectors
  • Same resolution as longer column sets, with superior speed
  • Maximize sample throughput on any LC with minimal investment
  • Reduce operator hours spent running slow GPC analyses on older instruments



Description MW Range Guaranteed efficiency (plates/m) Flowrate Max Temperature
PL Rapide H 500 - 10,000,000 >35,000 1.5 - 3 mL/min 220 ºC
PL Rapide M 200 - 2,000,000 >60,000 1.5 - 3 mL/min 150 ºC
PL Rapide L 200 - 500,000 >80,000 1.5 - 3 mL/min 110 ºC
PL Rapide F up - 3,300 >55,000 1.5 - 3 mL/min 110 ºC



User guide for Agilent's range of GPC/SEC columns

Technical information on Agilent's range of organic GPC columns

Contains information on Agilent's range of fast GPC columns