Porvair Microlute PLR

The Porvair Microlute PLR method of phospholipid removal is specifically designed to enhance the flow of samples through the filter to maximise the recovery of analytes with unrivalled reproducibility. Efficiently remove a wide range of phospholipids from plasma and serum samples with Microlute PLR and increase the sensitivity and integrity of your UHPLC/HPLC methods.

Unlike traditional loose-filled methods, the Microlute PLR hybrid technology is composed of a solid interconnected network of evenly distributed pores that allow biological fluids to flow smoothly and consistently throughout the filter. This feature enhances product performance and the efficiency of your sample preparation workflow.

With an easy-to-use protocol, get reliable phospholipid removal and analyte recovery from well-to-well and batch-to-batch first time and every time. High-throughput studies will benefit from a reproducible, high performing sample preparation workflow.

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  • Removes a wide range of phospholipids
  • Composite design for high reproducibility
  • >99% recovery for a wide range of neutral, acidic and basic analytes


Next Generation Phospholipid Removal
Efficiently and reproducibly remove phospholipids from plasma and serum samples with the Microlute PLR 96-well plate or cartridge
Innovative range of sample preparation products designed to deliver uncompromised chromatographic performance with a whole new level of reliability and reproducibility
Comprehensive range of precision-assembled, top quality microplates to enhance your research and analysis