Agilent HP-Chiral GC Columns

Agilent J&W HP-Chiral ß columns have a chiral stationary phase based on permethylated beta-cyclodextrin, which has very broad applications for resolving volatile optical isomers. Beta-cyclodextrin is dispersed in a phenyl-based polymer. This polymer provides low bleed and will not interfere with nitrogen-specific detectors such as the nitrogen phosphorus (NPD) detector, allowing optimized sensitivity for chiral compounds containing nitrogen.

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  • ß-cyclodextrin in (35%-phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane
  • Chiral separations without chiral specific derivatisation
  • Phenyl-based polymer provides low bleed and does not interfere with nitrogen-specific detectors
  • Available in two concentrations of ß-cyclodextrin: 10% and 20%
  • 20% ß-cyclodextrin best choice for initial screening
  • Performance Summary shipped with each GC column

Similar Phases: LIPODEX C, Rt-ß DEXm, ß-DEX 110, ß-DEX 120

A 7 inch cage is the most common GC column format, compatible with Agilent 5890, 6890, 7820, 7890, 8860, and 8890 series GC systems, and all non-Agilent GC systems with a similarly sized oven. The 5 inch cage format is designed for smaller GC ovens e.g. for the Agilent GC 6850.


HP-Chiral ß Temperature Specifications

ID 0.25 – 0.32 mm
Length 30 m
Film 0.25 µm
Temperature Limits 30 – 240/250°C


Full range of Agilent Technologies GC columns and applications