Agilent HP-PLOT U GC Columns

Agilent J&W HP-PLOT U consists of bonded, divinylbenzene/ethylene glycol dimethacrylate coated onto a fused silica capillary. HP-PLOT U is suitable for analysing hydrocarbons (natural gas, refinery gas, C1 – C7, all C1 – C3 isomers except propylene and propane), CO2, methane, air/CO, water, and polar compounds. In comparison to HP-PLOT Q, HP-PLOT U demonstrates greater polarity (RI ethyl acetate 630 vs. 576) and, therefore, different selectivity, better peak shape for some polar compounds such as water, and a much lower maximum operating temperature.

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  • Excellent column for C1 – C7 hydrocarbons, CO2, methane, air/CO, water, oxygenates, amines, solvents, alcohols, ketones, and aldehydes
  • Improved resolution in less time than conventional packed columns
  • Bonded divinylbenzene/ethylene glycol dimethacrylate
  • More polar than HP-PLOT Q
  • G45 phase USP classification

Similar Phases: RTU PLOT


A 7 inch cage is the most common GC column format, compatible with Agilent 5890, 6890, 7820, 7890, 8860, and 8890 series GC systems, and all non-Agilent GC systems with a similarly sized oven. The 5 inch cage format is designed for smaller GC ovens e.g. for the Agilent GC 6850.


HP-PLOT U Temperature Specifications

ID 0.32 – 0.53 mm
Length 15 – 30 m
Film 10 – 20 µm
Temperature Limits -60 – 190 °C


Full range of Agilent Technologies GC columns and applications

What causes the spots on the PLOT columns?