Thermo Scientific HyperSep Hypercarb SPE

Thermo Scientific HyperSep Hypercarb SPE features a unique graphite carbon-based material that retains highly polar compounds where silica and resin columns fail. The chemistry allows selectivity for structurally similar compounds, and allows the separation of compounds using simple solvents.

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  • Unique material for retention of highly polar compounds
  • Hypercarb SPE contains flat,100% porous graphitic carbon (PGC) with selectivity for structurally similar compounds
  • pH stable 0 to 14
  • High batch-to-batch reproducibility
  • Strong retention properties allow use of low bed weights for concentrated extracts
  • Interaction mechanism with polar molecules
  • Ideal for problem analytes in SPE applications


  HyperSep Hypercarb
Phase 100% porous graphitic carbon
Particle size 30 µm
Pore size 250 Å
pH range 0 - 14


Save time, improve reproducibility, and extend the lifetime of your HPLC/UHPLC and GC columns with Thermo Scientific's comprehensive range of sample preparation products
Learn about Thermo Scientific's polymeric, reversed phase silica, normal phase silica, and ion-exchange phase options

Brochure containing over 100 applications using HyperSep SPE products