Take your HPLC troubleshooting learning further by understanding the fundamentals of how your HPLC system works.
To build on the knowledge you have gained from attending our HPLC Troubleshooting training course, we have collated our CHROMacademy animated and video content for you to access at any time in support of the taught training material. You will also find some extra practical information and exercises for you to fully hone your skills.

- Instrument animations – pump
- Instrument animations – autosampler
- Instrument maintenance videos – Agilent pump
- Instrument maintenance videos – Agilent autosampler
- Instrument maintenance
- videos – Agilent UV detector
- Column cleaning/regeneration procedureAdditional exercises
- What next?
- Ask the tutor
Element are the brains behind CHROMacademy - the world's largest eLearning platform for the analytical sciences. Used in labs across the world, the flexibility and level of details could be the perfect training solution for you.

Element offer a range of instructor-led online chromatography training courses which can also be delivered on site and tailored to suit your specific needs. Whether you're looking to develop your knowledge and skills in HPLC, GC, mass spectrometry or basic lab skills, our technical experts can empower you to develop the right skills.