YMC BioPro HIC Columns

YMC-Triart BioPro HIC BF Analytical HPLC Columns

The YMC BioPro HIC BF is a hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) column utilizing a butyl (C4) stationary phase bonded to non-porous hydrophilic polymer particles. This HIC phase is specifically designed for fast, high resolution separations of proteins and biopharmaceutical drugs such as monoclonal antibodies (mAb’s), including drug-to-antibody ratio (DAR) analysis of antibody drug conjugates (ADC’s).

YMC BioPro HIC columns are designed and optimised for analysis and lab-scale purification of antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates, and other proteins. BioPro HIC HT and BioPro HIC BF columns are based on a non-porous hydrophobic polymer. Optimised surface modification and column packing method realise high separation performance. High-throughput analysis with a faster flow rate can be achieved together with a high resolution using BioPro HIC HT. The rigid particle provides higher pressure tolerance compared to other HIC columns, which allows higher flow rates and therefore shorter analysis times.

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  • Specifically designed for drug-to-antibody conjugates (ADCs) and antibodies
  • Ideal drug-to-antibody ratio (DAR) analysis
  • High throughput by reducing analysis time
  • Excellent batch-to-batch reproducibility
  • Long term stability


  BioPro HIC HT BioPro HIC BF
Base Particle Hydrophilic polymer (polymethacrylate) Hydrophilic polymer (polymethacrylate)
Functional Group Butyl Butyl
Particle Size 2.3 µm 4 µm
Pore Size Non-porous Non-porous
Temperature Range 10 – 60°C 10 – 60°C
pH Range 2 – 12 2 – 12
Pressure Limit 400 bar 200 bar


Overview of YMC's range of columns for biochromatography
Stationary phases for Bio LC from YMC