YMC-Pack C4

YMC-Pack C4 Analytical HPLC Columns

YMC-Pack C4 is a low hydrophobicity material with a high coverage of monomeric bonded chemistry. Due to shorter alkyl chains it has a lower hydrophobicity than both C18 and C8 phases. Therefore retention times of non-polar samples tend to be shorter on YMC-Pack C4, making it an ideal choice for faster separations.

Part Number Product Description Price Qty
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  • Low hydrophobicity material
  • High coverage monomeric bonded chemistry
  • Ideally suited for separations of biological materials
  • USP listing L26


  YMC-Pack C4 (Butyl)
Modification Butyl (USP L26)
Particle size 3, 5 µm
Pore size 12 nm / 120 Å 20 nm / 200 Å 30 nm / 300 Å
Surface area 330 m2/g 175 m2/g 100 m2/g
Carbon content 7% 5% 3%
Endcapping yes
pH range 2 - 7.5


Full details on the YMC classic range of HPLC columns
YMC columns for reversed phase HPLC and UHPLC