Agilent Bond Elut DEA SPE

Agilent Bond Elut DEA (diethylaminopropyl) is similar to Bond Elut NH2, but with a slightly lower capacity as an anion-exchange sorbent. DEA has a moderately nonpolar character due to the alkyl side chains on the amino functionality. These groups still afford a medium level of polarity, higher than C8, but less polar than C2 or CN-E.

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  • Weak anion exchanger
  • More polar than Bond Elut C8 but less polar than Bond Elut C2 or Bond Elut CN-E
  • Alkyl side chains exhibit moderately nonpolar characteristics


  Bond Elut DEA
Category Anion-exchanger
Base Material Silica based
Bonded Functional Group Diethylaminopropyl
Endcapped No
Format Packed bed
Typical Carbon Loading 8.5%
Surface Area 500 m2/g
Particle Size 40 and 120 µm, irregular
Mean Pore Size 60 Å


Consumable items for sample preparation from Agilent