Intuvo GC Columns

Agilent J&W Intuvo GC Columns with Smart Key are specifically designed for your Intuvo 9000 GC instrument.

Intuvo columns are identical in dimensions, construction materials and separation phase to the existing Agilent GC capillary columns, allowing you to easily transfer your existing GC methods over to Intuvo. Intuvo GC columns differ, however, in their compact, planar design, which works efficiently with the fast, direct heating and cooling technology of Intuvo. Protected by the Intuvo Guard Chip, these columns never need to be trimmed, eliminating costly retention time adjustment. Intuvo columns are easily replaced using patented Intuvo click-and-run connections. One click of a torque driver applies exactly the right force to seal the connection properly, providing audible and tactile feedback that the connection has been made.

All Intuvo GC columns include a Smart Key, which enables the system to immediately identify the column configuration and temperature limits (including column part and serial numbers), as well as tracking the use of the column.

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