YMC-Pack CN Analytical HPLC Columns

In reversed phase mode, cyano (nitrile) phases are the most polar and least retentive of all reversed phase supports. Extremely hydrophobic compounds, which do not elute on standard C18 and C8 columns with typical reversed phase eluents, can be separated using cyano phases. Separations using reversed and normal phase and HILIC mechanisms can be carried out using this material.

Part Number Product Description Price Qty
product image


  • For normal, reversed phase and HILIC applications
  • Silica gel with cyanopropyl groups
  • Faster column equilibration than normal silica gel
  • Most polar reversed phase column
  • USP listing L10


  YMC-Pack CN (Cyano)
Modification Cyanopropyl (USP L10)
Particle size 3, 5 µm 5 µm
Pore size 12 nm / 120 Å 30 nm / 300 Å
Surface area 330 m2/g 100 m2/g
Endcapping yes
Carbon load 7% 3%
pH range 2 - 7.5


Full details on the YMC classic range of HPLC columns
YMC columns for reversed phase HPLC and UHPLC