Porvair Heat Seals - 100% Effective Plate Sealing

Porvair heat seals offers a 100% effective method of plate sealing, for complete seal integrity. Choose from our range of heat seals that are quick to use and cost effective.

A variety of seals are available to suit all application types. Choose from:
Clear Seal Peel - peelable heat-sealing film which is optically clear
Clear Seal Perf - similar to Clear Seal Peel with slits across the width of the seal to render it gas permeable
Clear Seal Pierce - ideal for use with the ABI 3730 sequencer
Clear Seal Weld - optically clear polymer film forming a permanent seal to polypropylene plates
Gas Perm Seal - made from a non-woven material and is designed for use in cell culture, due to its porous nature
Peel Seal Foil - laminate seal compatible with polypropylene plates
Peel Seal Foil Super - laminate seal compatible with all plate types
Peel Seal DMSO Foil - DMSO resistant seal compatible with polypropylene and forming an excellent seal to COC plates
Pierce Seal Foil - pierceable heat sealing foil which has a high solvent resistance
Pierce Seal Foil PS - produces a strong seal to polystyrene plates, but is also compatible with polypropylene
Therm Seal - a heavy duty laminate foil seal suitable for providing a very strong, but peelable seal

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Clear Seal Peel is an optically clear laminate film forming a peelable seal to polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, polycarbonate, and cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) plates. The optical clarity of this seal enables its use for sealing plates required for imaging use, including fluorescent detection methods such as qPCR and colorimetric assays. The Clear Seal Peel forms a complete seal to a plate enabling both low temperature uses, including low temperature storage, and high temperature uses, such as PCR (when used with a pressurized heated lid). This seal demonstrates moderate solvent resistance and can be utilized for short term compound storage at room temperature.

Clear Seal Perf seal is based on the Clear Seal Peel, with the addition of 3 mm slits across the width of the seal. These slits render the seal gas permeable, whilst retaining evaporation to a minimum, compared to the use of lids. The Clear Seal Perf Heat Seal is compatible with polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, and cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) plates. The seal has a wide seal integrity temperature range, from -80 to 110°C. It can be used for insect and seed storage, as it enables gas exchange, whilst providing an inert surface with no adhesive to interfere with the well content.

Clear Seal Pierce is a thin polyester heat sealing film which is easily pierceable with autosampler needles/ABI 3730. The seal is suitable for PCR, qPCR, and optical applications. The optical clarity of this seal enables its use for sealing plates required for imaging use, including fluorescent detection methods such as qPCR and colorimetric assays. Its pierceability renders it useful for automation and for use on needle, capillary and tip based liquid handling systems. It is effective on the ABI3730 capillary sequencer, removing the need for the use of expensive septa mats. The Clear Seal Pierce forms a complete seal to a plate enabling moderately low and high temperature uses, including PCR when using a pressurized heated lid thermal cycler. It demonstrates a moderate solvent resistance and can be utilized for short term compound storage.

Clear Seal Weld is an optically clear polymer film forming a permanent seal to polypropylene plates. The Clear Seal Weld forms a complete seal to a plate, enabling both low and very high temperature uses, including low temperature storage and high temperature incubations. This seal is suitable for PCR/qPCR, even without the use of a pressurized heated lid, and is 100% effective when used in water bath thermal cyclers. The permanent nature of this 100% effective seal renders it suitable for the storage and disposal of hazardous material. Clear Seal Weld demonstrates a good solvent resistance and can be utilized for long term compound storage.

Gas Perm Seal is made from a non-woven material and is designed for use in cell culture, due to its porous nature. The seal is compatible with polypropylene and polystyrene. It can be removed by peeling, or it can be pierced with a pipette tip manually, using a liquid handling robot. Gas Perm Seal seals can be used for effective overnight incubations, during which it demonstrates significant reductions in evaporation compared to lids It can also be used for insect and seed storage as it enables gas exchange, whilst providing an inert surface with no adhesive to interfere with the well contents.

Peel Seal Foil is a laminate seal compatible with polypropylene plates. It can be removed from polypropylene plates by peeling, even with a plate which has been removed directly from -80°C storage. Peel Seal Foil forms a complete seal to a plate enabling very low temperature uses, including very low temperature storage, and high temperature uses, such as PCR (when used with a pressurized heated lid). The seal demonstrates moderate solvent resistance and can be utilized for short term compound storage at room temperature (< 5 days).

Peel Seal Foil Super is a laminate seal compatible with all plate types. It can be removed by peeling, even with a plate which has been removed directly from -80°C storage. Peel Seal Foil Super forms a complete seal to a plate enabling very low temperature uses, including very low temperature storage, and high temperature uses, such as PCR. The seal demonstrates high solvent resistance (including DMSO) and can be utilized for short term compound storage at room temperature.

Peel Seal DMSO Foil is a DMSO resistant seal compatible with polypropylene and forming an excellent seal to cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) plates. The solvent resistance of this seal enables its use for low and room temperature compound storage in DMSO and organic solvents. 100% DMSO can be stored at room temperature for 12 months without deterioration of the seal. It forms a weld seal to polyethylene plates and cannot be peeled off. Access is by piercing using a blade or a needle.

Pierce Seal Foil is a pierceable heat sealing foil which has a high solvent resistance. This seal is resealable, suitable for PCR, compound storage and sample shipping. Pierce Seal Foil is compatible with polypropylene and polystyrene plates. This seal demonstrates good solvent resistance and can be used for low temperature and room temperature compound storage in DMSO and organic solvents. Pierce Seal Foil can be pierced with a pipette tip manually, or by a liquid handling robot. This seal can be resealed by applying another Pierce Seal Foil seal straight on top of a previously pierced seal. A green dotted line on the sheet foils clearly indicates the non-sealing surface, for ease of seal orientation and handling.

Pierce Seal Foil PS produces a strong seal to polystyrene plates, but is also compatible with polypropylene. This seal demonstrates moderate solvent resistance and can be used for low temperature compound storage, in DMSO and organic solvents, and short term room temperature storage. Pierce Seal Foil PS seals can be pierced with a pipette tip manually, by a liquid handling robot, or it can be removed by peeling (from polystyrene only). It can be resealed by applying another Polystyrene Foil Heat Seal directly on top of a previously pierced seal.

Therm Seal is a heavy duty laminate foil seal suitable for providing a very strong, but peelable seal. The seal is compatible with polypropylene plates to provide a high degree of sample protection. It demonstrates very good solvent resistance and can be used for very low temperature compound storage, in DMSO and organic solvents, and long term room temperature storage such that it is recommended as suitable for sample transportation. The seal can be pierced only by using a blade.



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