Thermo Scientific HyperSep Aminopropyl WAX SPE

Thermo Scientific HyperSep Aminopropyl (WAX) SPE features a polar sorbent that allows both polar and anion exchange interactions. Typical applications include separation of structural isomers, drugs and metabolites in biological fluids, and separation of saccharides, phenols and petroleum products.

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  • Silica-based material which can be used as both a polar sorbent and a weak anion exchanger
  • Use in weak anion exchange mode for extraction of strong acids
  • Typical applications include petroleum fractionation, saccharides, drugs and drug metabolites


  HyperSep Aminopropyl (WAX)
Phase Trifunctional aminopropyl
Surface area 470 to 530 m2/g
Particle size 40 to 60 µm
Pore size 60 Å
Endcapped No


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Brochure containing over 100 applications using HyperSep SPE products